Reflecting on the findings of the UCM Nursery in Residence Project

After six months of reflection and writing about the University of Cambridge Museums Nursery in Residence, we are excited to be able to share the findings of our collaborative, practitioner-led research project. ‘Stand aside for a while and leave room for learning, observe what children do, and then, if you have understood it well, perhaps teaching will be different from… Read full article

My Nursery is at the Museum and Garden

What happened when a group of 3 year olds spent a week ‘in residence’ at the Fitzwilliam Museum and Botanic Garden? Inspired by the ‘My Primary School is at the Museum’ project, educators at the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Botanic Garden invited nine children from a local nursery to spend five mornings ‘in residence’. Over the coming weeks and months… Read full article