Families, Freedom and the Future: Under Fives in Museums

Museums are brilliant places for young children – the combination of exciting architectural spaces, amazing collection objects and the social aspects of museum visiting make for incredibly stimulating learning possibilities. However, engaging young children with museums can present challenges too. Nicola Wallis and Holly Morrison from the Fitzwilliam Museum Education Department share their insights from the Freedom to Explore: Engaging… Read full article

Young children, public spaces and democracy: the BRIC Project

Nicola Wallis reports on the BRIC Conference, for those involved with early childhood education and care to discuss the promotion of very young children’s democratic engagement in civic society by regular visits to public spaces – including museums. This conference was a culmination of the EU-funded BRIC Project, which has spent the last three years investigating young children, democracy and… Read full article

Creative Families – The Next Step

We have been working alongside Romsey Mill Children’s Centre to give young parents and their babies the opportunity to develop a sustained relationship with the Fitzwilliam Museum through a variety of experiences, leading participants to a Creative Families Award. We recently enjoyed another varied and exciting session with our Creative Families! The young parents and babies have attended the museum… Read full article