Abi L. Glen

AHRC Creative Engagement Economy Fellow, Fitzwilliam Museum

Akshyeta Suryanarayan

PhD researcher in South Asian Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Alex Summers

Glasshouse Supervisor, Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Alex Tomkins

Collections Apprentice 2014-17, Museum of Zoology

Ali Clark

Research Associate, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Alina Kozlovski

Graduate Invigilator, Museum of Classical Archaeology

Alison Ayres

Learning Team, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Alison Giles

Learning Coordinator, Whipple Museum of the History of Science

Amy Marquis

Research Assistant, Paintings, Drawings and Prints Department, Fitzwilliam Museum

Amy Wahab

Museum Experience Intern

Ananya Mishra

PhD researcher in English, University of Cambridge

Anita Herle

Senior Curator (Anthropology)

April Bagwill

Front of House Volunteer, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Audrey Kennedy

Collections Project Assistant, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Barima Asumadu Sakyi

Regional Director of the Centre for National Culture, Kumasi, Ghana

Beatriz Marín-Aguilera

Research Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge

Benjamina Efua Dadzie

Collections Assistant in Anthropology, Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology

Bronwen Richards

Education Officer, Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Bryan Lintott

Exhibitions Officer, The Polar Museum

Charlotte Connelly

Curator, The Polar Museum

Claire Wallace

Collections Manager, Whipple Museum of the History of Science

Clare Rogowski

Calculator Project Assistant at the Whipple Museum of the History of Science

Colin Clews

Volunteer, Museum of Classical Archaeology

Daniel Pett

Head of Digital and IT, Fitzwilliam Museum

Danika Parikh

Research & Engagement Fellow, University of Cambridge Museums

Daryl Tappin

Documentation Assistant, The Fitzwilliam Museum

David Farrell-Banks

Participatory Research and Impact Coordinator, Fitzwilliam Museum

Douglas Palmer

Communications Officer, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences (part-time)

Ed Turner

Curator of Insects, Museum of Zoology

Edward Cheese

Conservator, Manuscripts and Printed Books, Fitzwilliam Museum

Eleanor Costello

Communications Assistant, Kettle's Yard

Eleanor Foster

Research Assistant at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Eleanor Wilkinson

Teaching & Collections Assistant for Archaeology, Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology

Elizabeth Simoens

Game Designer

Ella Lange

Events Apprentice, University of Cambridge Museums

Ellen Nowak

Freelance Arts Project Manager

Emily Bradfield

Practitioner Research Associate: Collections & Wellbeing (Older Adults), The Fitzwilliam Museum

Emily Shorter

Collections Assistant, Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology

Erin Martin-Jones

Communications Officer, Department of Earth Sciences

Felicity Plent

Head of Education, Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Filipa Pereira-Stubbs

Programme Artist, Dance with the Museum- Relax, Look, Imagine ~ Objects in focus films

Fliss Mottram

Learning Associate (Children and Families), the Fitzwilliam Museum

George Doji

Computer Associate, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Gloria Sayer

Volunteer Explainer, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Guey-Mei Hsu

Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Collections Assistant

Hannah Price

Curator, Whipple Museum of the History of Science

Heather Lane

Project Manager, Museum of Zoology

Helen Devereux

Public Programmes Coordinator, Sedgwick Musuem of Earth Sciences

Helen Magowan

Intern in the Curatorial Department at the Fitzwilliam Museum

Helen Needham

Marketing, Press and Publicity, Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Helen Ritchie

Curatorial Associate, Fitzwilliam Museum

Helena Rodwell

Assistant Conservator, Collections Care, Fitzwilliam Museum and University of Cambridge Museums

Henrietta Hammant

Collections Project Cataloguer, The Polar Museum

Henrietta Ward

Assistant Keeper, Paintings, Drawings and Prints, Fitzwilliam Museum

Holly Morrison

Learning Associate (Schools and Families), the Fitzwilliam Museum

Ina Pruegel

Digital Engagement Specialist, University of Cambridge Museums

Jack Shoulder

Co-curator of @MuseumBums

Jack Silvester

Participant, University of Cambridge Museums Museum Remix 2019

Jacqui Strawbridge

Access and Outreach Officer, Fitzwilliam Museum

Jade Pollard-Crowe

Celebrating Black History in Cambridge Intern

James McMullen

Learning Team Work Placement Student, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Jane Munro

Keeper, Paintings, Drawings and Prints Department, Fitzwilliam Museum

Jane Pettitt

Collections Assistant, Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology

Jasmine Brady

Visitor Experience Coordinator, Fitzwilliam Museum

Jennie Thornber

Learning Associate: Widening Participation and Strategic Schools, University of Cambridge Museums

Jenny Bull

Engagement Coordinator, University of Cambridge Museums

Jenny Sargent

Cory Library Manager, Botanic Garden

Jenny Williams

Education & Outreach Assistant, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; Learning Inclusion Coordinator, Fitzwilliam Museum

Jo McPhee

Head of UCM Programmes, University of Cambridge Museums

Jody Joy

Senior Curator (Archaeology), Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Josh Nall

Curator of Modern Sciences, Whipple Museum of the History of Science

Julie Dawson

Head of Conservation, Fitzwilliam Museum

Justyna Ladosz

Museum Education and Outreach Coordinator, Museum of Classical Archaeology

Karen Banton

Collections Project Assistant, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Karen Thomas

Community Officer, Kettle's Yard and University of Cambridge Museums

Kate Carreno

Assistant Director, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Kate Howlett

Research & Impact Evaluation Coordinator at University of Cambridge Museums

Kate Noble

Senior Research Associate: Museum Learning, Fitzwilliam Museum

Kate O'Neill

Volunteer, Bridging Binaries Project

Katherine Dixon

PhD researcher in Medieval English Literature, University of Cambridge

Katherine Van Uytrecht

Freelance Artist working with the Whipple Museum

Kathryn Draper

Collections Project Assistant, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Katrina Dring

Collections Assistant, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Katy Drake and Katherine Van Uytrecht

Freelance Artists working with the Whipple Museum

Katy Marshall

Digital Maker in Residence, University of Cambridge Museums

Kirstie Williams

University of Cambridge Museums Organics Conservator

Kirsty Kernohan

Photographic Collections Assistant MAA

Lauren Burleson

Student Conservator, University of Cambridge Museums

Lily Stancliffe

Collections Assistant (Stores Move), Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Lisa Gee

External Consultant, working with the Department of Manuscripts and Printed Books, Fitzwilliam Museum

Liz Ballard

Assistant Curator, Community Programme, Kettle's Yard

Liz Hide

Director, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Lizzie Knott

Participant, University of Cambridge Museums Museum Remix 2019

Lucie Carreau

Collections Team Coordinator (Stores Move), Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology

Lucy Shipp

Learning Associate - Widening Participation and Arts Award, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Luis Jimenez

Front of House Host, Fitzwilliam Museum & Bridging Binaries Volunteer Guide

Macy Gaines

Inclusion Assistant, University of Cambridge Museums

Malavika Anderson

Cultural Programmer, University of Cambridge Museums

Marco Mason

Research Fellow, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Marie Kennedy

Learning Associate: Young People, University of Cambridge Museums

Mark Elliott

Senior Curator in Anthropology, Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology

Mark Small

Co-curator of @MuseumBums

Matt Riley

Collections Assistant in Palaeontology, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Matthew Hayes

Research Assistant, Museum of Zoology

Miranda Stearn

Head of learning, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Naomi Chapman

Education & Outreach, The Polar Museum

Natalie Mustafa

Marketing Coordinator, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Nathan Huxtable

Education Assistant, Fitzwilliam Museum

Nicholas Thomas

Director, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Nicky Pearce

Front of House Host, Fitzwilliam Museum

Nicola Skipper

Museum Education Officer, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Nicola Wallis

Practitioner Research Associate: Collections & Early Childhood, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Niki Hughes

Opening Doors Project Coordinator, University of Cambridge Museums

Patrick Hooper

Summer Intern, Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Rachel Hand

Collections Manager (Anthropology), Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Rachel Howie

Conservation Intern, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Rachel Sinfield

Head of Communications and Engagement, Fitzwilliam Museum

Rebecca Virag

Research Assistant (Prints), Paintings, Drawings and Prints Department, Fitzwilliam Museum

Revati Mann

PA to the Director, Fitzwilliam Museum

Rhian Ward

Conservation Student, University of Cambridge Museums

Richard Farleigh

Paper Conservator, Fitzwilliam Museum

Richard White

Marketing & Communications Coordinator, University of Cambridge Museums

Rob Hales

Community Research Collaborator

Rob Theodore

Exhibition and Displays Coordinator, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Rosanna Evans

Learning Associate: Schools and Teachers, the Fitzwilliam Museum

Rose Dryzek

Doctoral Placement at the Fitzwilliam Museum

Rosie Amos

Education & Outreach, The Polar Museum

Roz Wade

Learning Officer, Museum of Zoology

Ruchika Gurung

Communities Coordinator

Ruth Clarke

Learning Associate - Inclusion, Fitzwilliam Museum & UCM

Ruth McPhee

Manager and Lead Buyer for the UCM Shop and Museum of Zoology Shop

Sally Loesch

Digital Engagement Coordinator at Cambridge University Herbarium

Sam Daisley

Collections Assistant (Stores Move), Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Sandra Freshney

Archivist, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Sara Steele

Museum Education Assistant, Museum of Zoology

Sarah Hammond

Museum Administrator, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Sarah Villis

Learning and Bookings Administrator, Fitzwilliam Museum

Sarah-Cate Blake

Education Officer, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Sarah-Jane Harknett

Head of Public Engagement and Learning at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Sasha Dennis

Collections Project Assistant, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Scarlett Long

Volunteer, Ancient Egyptian coffins project, Fitzwilliam Museum

Selena Scott

Celebrating Black History in Cambridge Intern

Sofia Romualdo

PhD researcher, University of Exeter, in residency with Fire Hazard Games

Sophia Macpherson

Volunteer, Ancient Egyptian coffins project, Fitzwilliam Museum

Sophie Rowe

Conservator, University of Cambridge Museums

Spike Bucklow

Reader in Material Culture, Hamilton Kerr Institute, Fitzwilliam Museum

Stefan Hanß

Research Associate in Early Modern European Object History, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge

Stefanie Mueller

University of Cambridge Museums Conservation Intern

Steve Kruse

Exhibition and Project Coordinator, Whipple Museum of the History of Science

Susan Miller

Events Administrator, University of Cambridge Museums

Susanne Turner

Curator, Museum of Classical Archaeology

Suzanne Reynolds

Curator, Manuscripts and Printed books, Fitzwilliam Museum

Suzy Rickard

Front of House Host, Fitzwilliam Museum

Tabitha Hayman

India Unboxed Programme Coordinator, University of Cambridge Museums

Tom Crowley

Research Assistant, Museum of Archaeology

Tracy Harding

Marketing Coordinator, The Fitzwilliam Museum

Vicky Avery

Keeper of Applied Arts, Fitzwilliam Museum

Wanja Kimani

Exhibitions Project Curator for ‘Cambridge & Slavery: Power, People, Resistance’.

Will Wilson

Front of House Host, Fitzwilliam Museum

Zoe Cormack

Visiting Researcher at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology