Malavika Anderson on Change Making and India Unboxed

In December 2016, Malavika Anderson began an Arts Council-funded placement with the University of Cambridge Museums team. As she prepares to move to her next job, we caught up with her to reflect on the India Unboxed season and her work with the Change Makers initiative. You’ve been coordinating the India Unboxed season for the University of Cambridge Museums (UCM)… Read full article

Life in the Garden: interning at the Botanic Garden

Patrick Hooper spent eight weeks as an intern at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden. During his time he contributed to the design and planning of a new interpretation hub to be built in the Garden in 2018, dubbed the Rising Path. His work focused on researching relevant literature on the evolution of land plants as a possible theme for a… Read full article

An interview with Titus

We’re proud to present this exclusive interview with one of the Botanic Garden’s celebrities. Titus the titan arum plant’s spectacular flowering was all over the media this summer. We caught up with him as he takes a well-earned break after all the excitement. Hello Titus. Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. First, please tell us a little bit more… Read full article