Young musicians in the museum

On 31 March 2019, the Britten Sinfonia Academy, talented young instrumentalists from the east of England, went on a family-friendly musical tour exploring the stories behind the collections in the Museum of Zoology, the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Fitzwilliam Museum. Britten Sinfonia Academy (BSA) has a longstanding partnership with the Fitzwilliam Museum which began in 2013. March… Read full article

Source: art exam help for young people

Source is a free programme at the Fitzwilliam Museum for young people researching their art GCSEs and A Levels. The programme includes primary art and museum object research in the museum galleries, and guest artists in the museum studio. Source introduces young people taking art and design exams to ‘ how to research from primary sources in museum collections and… Read full article

More sessions please! Planning enrichment sessions for teachers

Over the last 18 months we have been working hard on developing our enrichment programme for teachers at the Fitzwilliam Museum. This blog gives an overview of what we tried, what worked and what didn’t. From September 2017 to July 2018 we ran 12 sessions for just under 100 teachers from 40 different schools. The aims of the sessions varied… Read full article