Two years of Cam Lates

Two years of Cam Lates – they’ve gone in a flash. We caught up with Jenny Bull, University of Cambridge Museums Engagement Coordinator, to find out about programming the series and future plans. Hello Jen. Remind us what Cam Lates is again? Cam Lates is a series of after-hours events for adults aged 25-44 in our museums and Garden. The… Read full article

A new look for the Fitz’s knight on horseback

The Fitzwilliam Museum’s knight on horseback is sporting a dashing new look. But how do you go about commissioning bright red and white barding and then installing it on a Victorian horse mannequin? Vicky Avery, Keeper of Applied Arts, shares her behind-the-scenes photos. The mounted knight is the iconic and well-loved centrepiece of the Fitzwilliam’s Armoury. The armour itself is… Read full article

Supporting teens to take over the Fitzwilliam

Twelve teenage Museum Ambassadors; three galleries in the Fitzwilliam Museum, 45 teachers and family members. Recipe for disaster right? Wrong! Our Museum Ambassadors from North Cambridge Academy set themselves the aim of creating an event that showed that ‘museums are fun and for everyone’. “Thank you for giving us this opportunity, you are going to be part of my favourite… Read full article