Malavika Anderson on Change Making and India Unboxed

In December 2016, Malavika Anderson began an Arts Council-funded placement with the University of Cambridge Museums team. As she prepares to move to her next job, we caught up with her to reflect on the India Unboxed season and her work with the Change Makers initiative. You’ve been coordinating the India Unboxed season for the University of Cambridge Museums (UCM)… Read full article

India Unboxed: Astronomy and Empire

In this newest India Unboxed video, we visit the Whipple Museum of the History of Science to find out how transit instruments tracked the motion of the stars to keep time in India for the British Empire. Find out more in the Whipple Museum’s exhibition Astronomy and Empire, 2 October 2017 – 28 September 2018. India Unboxed is a year-long… Read full article