The road to recovery: April-September 2021

Leaves are falling… it’s time to find out what the University of Cambridge Museums (UCM) and Botanic Garden have been up to over a busy six months. The UCM museums began April 2021 as we did the April before: closed to the public in accordance with England’s national lockdown. Since then, as the country has begun to emerge from COVID-19… Read full article

Transforming Collections and Ourselves: introducing the MAA Stores Move

How have you been? You doing OK? Things have been pretty wild here, in a panic-don’t-panic, start-stop kind of way. Last March we were selecting an incredible team of nine Collections Assistants from an extraordinary field of over 700 applicants to join the most ambitious project the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) has undertaken in at least a generation…. Read full article

A six month snapshot

Last month, we marked one year since the introduction of measures to limit the COVID-19 pandemic. Our last update was published in October 2020, just as the University of Cambridge Museums and Botanic Garden (UCM) were prepared to be fully open to the public again for the first time in six months. A return to normality? Not quite. Our pandemic journey… Read full article