What’s next? Highlights from the MuseumNext conference

Last week I had the opportunity to attend MuseumNext in Rotterdam. This years’ theme was ‘Gamechanging’, a full on programme of exciting speakers from around the globe in an interesting city with amazing architecture and museums. With a head still buzzing from all the talks, conversations and experiences, this is a summary of the conference and the key take-aways. So… Read full article

39 microtomes… but which looks best?

Jack Rajack, our latest work experience student at the Whipple Museum of the History of Science, recently helped to reinvigorate an old Whipple work experience tradition: that the student would get to sample aspects of exhibitions, curation, and collections management by creating their own display case in the museum. We are currently redeveloping our New Gallery, which will shortly be… Read full article

‘It’s amazing what you can do with pegs’: the conservation of a Papua New Guinea skirt

Recently the conservation lab at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has been a hive of activity with conservation students and project conservators. Here is one challenge we have tackled: the conservation treatment of a Papua New Guinea grass skirt. The grass skirt was conserved so that it can be displayed in the MAA Spotlight Gallery as part of the… Read full article