Natural Sciences Collections Association comes to Cambridge

The Whale, the Dire Rhea and the Boar’s New Nose… just some of the acquaintances I made at last month’s Natural Science Collections Association Annual Conference.  Full of passionate and inspiring museum folk, as well as curious and intriguing animals, Evolving Ideas: provocative new ways of working with collections showcased a swarm of ways of using biological, geological, botanical collections… Read full article

Developing a collective strategy for the University of Cambridge Museums

One of the interesting challenges involved in enabling eight museums and a botanic garden to work more closely together is to find ways to express our collective vision while maintaining the clear identity of each constituent organisation. Connections, between people and our collections, and between the collections themselves, are central to the University of Cambridge Museum’s unique multidisciplinary consortium.   Discussions… Read full article

My Apprenticeship

I can hardly believe over two years have passed; its gone so quickly. I started my apprenticeship in December 2014 and looking back it seems like such a long time ago. My first year at the Museum of Zoology consisted of a level 2 apprenticeship with North Herts College during which I learnt and applied many skills such as leadership, customer… Read full article