Diary of an Exhibition Part 3: race to the finish

Imagining India: Greeks, Romans and the End of the Earth opened at the Museum of Classical Archaeology (MoCA) on 26 June. This is the last of three instalments of my diary of the six months leading up to the exhibition opening. Previously: the exhibition concept takes shape and research began; help from colleagues at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and… Read full article

Wanderings with a Camera with Cambridge Community Arts

Here at the Museum of Classical Archaeology, we’re always excited when artists find new and creative ways to view our old friends, our plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculpture. So when a new relationship with Cambridge Community Arts did just that, we were over the moon. Cambridge Community Arts (CCA) is a local charity which runs a great programme… Read full article

Diary of an Exhibition Part 2: new friends

Imagining India: Greeks, Romans and the End of the Earth opened at the Museum of Classical Archaeology (MoCA) on 26 June. This is the second of three instalments of my diary of the six months leading up to the exhibition opening. Last time: the exhibition concept takes shape; Curator Susanne went on maternity leave; research began… Late February 2017: new… Read full article