A child holding gravel

Gravel Hunters

Last summer at the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, we challenged our selves to get families back outside after being locked-down all spring and to find out more about the geology local to Cambridge. Flint gravel was the answer. It is easily recognised and easily over looked as a good fossil hunting ground. It has also been important to the… Read full article

An interview with street artist RUN

Italian-born street artist Giacomo Bufarini, known as RUN, has created two bold and colourful wall murals for The Human Touch exhibition. One of the murals can be found in the Fitzwilliam Museum while the other is situated at Parkside Pool in Cambridge. Find out more about RUN and his inspiration behind his murals, and how he explores the theme of touch…. Read full article

Time with the Museum at Bramley Court Care Home

Bramley Court Care Home joined the Dance and Time with the Museum programme at the end of 2019. For two weeks we visited residents in the familiar comfort of the care home setting, taking high quality images of paintings to promote conversation and enquiry, inviting them to share their thoughts and feelings about the paintings, introducing music to complement the… Read full article