Teaching the Trumpington Treasures

I fell in love with the Anglo-Saxons the first time I visited the reconstructed village at West Stow. There was something about the dusty landscape and twisted pines, the mingled smell of woodsmoke and baking sand, the specific sound of green wood splintering around an axe. I was 10 years old and I’d moved with my family from a little… Read full article

Uncovering LGBTQ+ history at the Sedgwick Museum

Being able to ‘look things up on the computer’ is something that all of us rather take for granted. Even in a Museum where the size and scope of the collections is such that full digitisation is a daunting task, it is still hard to think back to being entirely reliant on drawers of catalogue cards and hand-written indexes. As… Read full article

Two characters from Animal Crossing looking at a fossil

Animal Crossing live stream

On June 19th we are celebrating games and museums with an Animal Crossing live stream! We will join palaeontologist Rob Theodore and game designer Elizabeth Simoens as they explore her island museum. Before we jump in the sea-plane (or join the live stream on youtube/twitch), let’s hear from Rob and Elizabeth about how this project came to be!   Who… Read full article