Meet the Sedgwick Museum’s new Director

The New Year is all about new beginnings. What better time to pop into the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences for a chat with new Director Liz Hide? Hello Liz! So, Month One: how has it been, and what have you been up to? I call it sponge mode: I’m trying to suck up as much information as I can. … Read full article

An Eighteenth-Century Love Triangle?

A poet, his wife, and “the ugliest of all possible kept mistresses”. In the second instalment of a series on the Fitzwilliam Museum’s Hayley Papers, Lisa Gee introduces an eighteenth-century love triangle. William Hayley married his first wife, Eliza, on the rebound. When it turned out that she couldn’t bear to be touched, they brought another woman into their marriage…. Read full article

Extreme Reading at the Polar Museum

2018 was the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The book is special to us in the Polar Museum because it starts and ends in the Arctic, which those of you who have only seen film versions of the story might not know. We wanted to celebrate the anniversary and invite lots of other people to enjoy… Read full article