India Unboxed: Meet the Meteorites?

Our India Unboxed film series continues with the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences‘ puzzling story of the fiery meteorites which were cold to the touch. 157 years ago the people of Dharamsala in Northwest India watched as three meteorites streaked across the sky and crashed into the ground nearby. Despite witnessing nine-foot flames trailing behind the meteorites, the brave locals… Read full article

Work Experience: “I cannot speak highly enough of this placement…”

The University of Cambridge Museums offer work experience placements for school-aged participants, providing the opportunity to spend a week learning new skills and developing their self-confidence, timekeeping and communication. During their placement work experience students spend half their time at the Fitzwilliam Museum and half their time at one of the other collections in Cambridge – this week it was the Whipple… Read full article

Behind the scenes in a museum – a conservator’s view

Rhian Ward, a Conservation Student at Durham University, answers questions on her placement with the University of Cambridge Museums. What are you studying and how did you get to work with the University of Cambridge Museums? I am a final year student on the MA Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects at Durham University, and as part of this we… Read full article