What can collaborations tell us?

A new Spotlight Gallery exhibition opening at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) will highlight the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration on museum collections, choosing a Kiribati suit of armour as its focus. The Republic of Kiribati, is a group of 33 coral atolls and reefs spread out over 3.5 million square kilometres of the Pacific Ocean. Isolated, as an island… Read full article

How Did They Do That? Science and Technology in Ancient Egypt

Designing an interactive Quest for 8-14 year olds We are excited to announce the launch of a new interactive quest for 8-14 year olds based around the sarcophagus lid of Rameses III at the Fitzwilliam Museum. Guided by Amy and her Egyptologist uncle, children are led through a series of simple tasks to help them to understand some of the… Read full article

Don’t Believe Everything You’re Told…

In museums, we are used to coming across many wonderful objects made from a variety of fantastic materials. But is everything really what it appears? When presented with a Kiribati shark-toothed sword, from the Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology, decorated with braids of human hair, I started to think of ways I could interrogate these materials and find out what… Read full article