Pop-up museum stall in Damietta Public Library Egypt. A group of local men and women stand at the stall with their backs to the camera.

Pop-Up Museums: From Cambridge to Egypt

David Farrell-Banks, the Participatory Research and Impact Coordinator at the Fitzwilliam, chats with Sara Hany Abed, a museum and heritage content researcher based in Alexandria Egypt. Since 2019 Sara has worked with Helen Strudwick, Senior Curator, Ancient Nile Valley at the Fitzwilliam Museum, on the Egyptian Coffins project, pop-up museums, and more. David lets us listen in on their chat…… Read full article

1 woman with cane stands in a semi-crouched position and reaches out to woman seated in wheel chair.

Look Imagine Move – Social Prescribing Courses at The Fitzwilliam Museum

Sarah Villis describes how the Fitzwilliam Museum is using its galleries and collections as positive, healing spaces, by combining music, movement and art, and the impact this is having on older people’s health and wellbeing. The background In the Autumn of 2021 The Fitzwilliam Museum started a partnership with Meridian Primary Care Network (Meridian PCN) enabling the museum to play… Read full article

‘Zensation’: University Student Wellbeing

Education Officer, Sarah-Cate Blake discusses ‘Zensation’, a stress-busting programme offering university students a space to unwind and engage creatively with the Fitzwilliam Museum. Being a student can be a time when we experience a huge amount of stimulus from new environments, work studies, social excitement or the lack thereof. Experienced over a longer timeframe these stimuli may present as hyperactivation… Read full article