A conversation with… a woolly bear

Woolly bears are not an uncommon sight in museums.  As part of the pest management programme at the Fitzwilliam Museum, we have to keep an eye on numbers as they can cause a lot of irreversible damage to some of the collections. We thought it’d be a good idea to get to know them a bit better: You’re not very… Read full article

Work Experience: “just like any other job”

The University of Cambridge Museums offer work experience placements for school-aged participants, providing the opportunity to spend a week learning new skills and developing their self-confidence, timekeeping and communication. During their placement work experience students spend half their time at the Fitzwilliam Museum and half their time at one of the other museums in Cambridge – this week it was the Museum… Read full article

5 years and counting … A volunteer reflects

To celebrate national Volunteer Week we’ve been speaking to volunteers across the University of Cambridge Museums, to find out why they give their time to support us. Over the past 5 years Phillipa Grimstone has volunteered on a number of projects across the University of Cambridge Museums, from Summer at the Museums to family learning at the Fitzwilliam Museum. Phillipa explains… Read full article