Square piece of red-brown Ugandan barkcloth decorated on the front with black pigment

Behind the Scenes: Working with the Ugandan Barkcloth Collection at the Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology

The Stores Move project at the Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology (MAA) have been busy documenting, photographing and packing over 250,000 objects from 162 countries ready for transfer to the new Centre for Material Culture (CMC). Earlier this year, as part of on-going project work, we prepared a collection of 38 lengths of Ugandan barkcloth at MAA. With no photos… Read full article

A box full of unsorted Roman and Post Medieval pottery, prior to processing by Stores Move team

How much archaeology is too much?

What is supposed to happen to all the stuff that archaeologists dig up? And what do we do when it finds its way to a museum very much like ours? I’m on my hands and knees carefully lifting piece after piece of Roman roof tile from the demolition layer of a Roman villa into trays which will carry each and… Read full article

Museums as gateways to the natural world: The sky and beyond

Ruth Clarke, Learning Associate – Inclusion, Fitzwilliam Museum & University of Cambridge Museums (UCM), shares the first of three nature inspired blog posts in which older people provide insights into the question ‘how does engaging with nature, through art and artefacts, support people’s wellbeing?’ During 2022 this question is being explored as part of  Age Well , the UCM’s cultural engagement framework… Read full article