Global Acquisitions at the Fitzwilliam Museum

Over the last eighteen months, the Fitzwilliam Museum‘s Department of Applied Arts has acquired objects made by modern and contemporary artists and craftspeople from around the world, in order to enable us to explore more diverse perspectives within our permanent collections and temporary displays. This is part of a Museum-wide initiative, focussing on expanding the core collection to include objects… Read full article

Solving a Chilly Mystery

Conservators are often privy to some of the most exciting discoveries on individual objects within museum collections, since we work so intimately with them. It isn’t every day that you discover a veritable Russian Doll of objects thought to be lost to history, however! The project began fairly straightforward, with a set of leggings and mittens from the Oroqen people… Read full article

Collecting Shackleton

How do museums add to their collections? The answer varies, and it depends on the type of museum. Generally it’s through some combination of responding to offers of donations* or through projects to make carefully targeted acquisitions in an area where the collection might be lacking. *As I type this I can hear the curators and collections teams shouting at… Read full article