Four museums, four awards

What do a Polar map, a Egyptian coffin, the earliest animal fossils and an exhibition on the Pacific have in common? They were all winners in this year’s University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor’s Research and Impact Engagement Awards, in which four projects at the University of Cambridge Museums scooped prizes. The prizes recognise the important role our museums play in sharing… Read full article

Nessie’s new look

A museum full of rocks and fossils may not be the first place you think of to promote artist development, but our collections here at the Sedgwick Museum are doing just that. In the autumn of 2018, Arts University Bournemouth student and model-maker Emily Manning approached the Sedgwick Museum. The museum was a childhood favourite of hers and she wanted… Read full article

2018-19 in numbers

It’s been a busy year here at the University of Cambridge Museums. Spring is reporting season, when we gather together data on our work in the past reporting year (April to March) for our major funders. It’s not the most glamorous of museum tasks, but when those numbers from our institutions are all brought together… well, they tell a satisfying… Read full article