How Did They Do That? Science and Technology in Ancient Egypt

Designing an interactive Quest for 8-14 year olds We are excited to announce the launch of a new interactive quest for 8-14 year olds based around the sarcophagus lid of Rameses III at the Fitzwilliam Museum. Guided by Amy and her Egyptologist uncle, children are led through a series of simple tasks to help them to understand some of the… Read full article

Reflecting on our experience of the Audience Diversity Academy

As their time as AMA Audience Diversity Academy fellows draws to a close, Kate Carreno, Assistant Director Central Services, and Miranda Stearn, Head of Learning at the Fitzwilliam Museum, reflect on their experience. As we approach the official end of the ADA Fellowship, we’ve been thinking about what the impact of our involvement has been, for our organisation and for… Read full article