2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event information
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

What is your experience as a woman of having a career in the sciences or trying to enter the sciences? Did you face any challenges due to gender inequalities? What does it feel like to be heard or unheard? What does it feel like to be respected or disregarded? What does it feel like to be hidden or silenced?

We are looking for women who have worked or work in the sciences to spend a creative afternoon at the Whipple Museum of the History of Science getting hands-on making a zine, and exploring your experiences within the field of science.

Zine making is an exciting and accessible tool that can be used to record personal experiences giving agency to the maker and can represent acts of resistance against inequalities of power. Zines have been used to protest, resist and encourage collective activism.

The workshop will start with a brief introduction and you will be guided using collage and printmaking to make your own zine. Each participant will be empowered to express their unique voice to say what they want regardless of expectation and challenge the power play dominant in the sciences. The afternoon will also explore some of the stories of women scientists in the collection.

This workshop will be a pilot for research to develop an artistic residency project as well as increasing audience awareness of the Whipple collection, especially women scientists in the collection.

All materials provided.