15 - 19 yrs.

Parents and teachers welcome.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk.

11 - 13 yrs

Find out how artists use colour and composition in these paintings to help you paint your own abstract work in the Studio.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

11 - 13 yrs

Experiment with surfaces to add marks and textures into your own creations. Please bring a sturdy container to take your clay work home with you.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

11 - 13 yrs

Ever wanted to make your own money? Find out in this workshop based around the exhibition Making a Nation.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

13 - 18 yrs

Get up close to the Tudors and Stuarts in the exhibition Making a Nation, then use contemporary material and your imagination to create your own art currency with guest artist Iona McCuaig, in the Studio.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

13 - 18 yrs

Make your own piece and embellish with marks based on the surfaces of pieces you have observed in our collection. Please bring a sturdy container to take your clay work home with you.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

13 - 18 yrs

Create your own colour chart to help you paint your own abstract composition in the Studio.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

15 – 19 yrs

Led by experienced Mindfulness Therapist, Samina Khan, and Yoga instructor, Daniela McDermott.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk.

15 – 19 yrs

Each day we offer free one-to-one advice, gallery tours and space in the Studio with guest artists and arts specialists.


Saturday 16 February 2019

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Thursday 21 February 2019

Friday 22 February 2019

Saturday 23 February 2019


11 - 14 yrs

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

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