Find a new use for used plastic bottles, scrap paper and paperclips.
Watch this film to find out how to create a sculpture of an animal using materials from inside your home.
Grab some friends or family (you'll need at least 3 people to play this game) and have a go at this wildflower bingo game. Download, print and play today.
Let us know how you get on by contacting us on Facebook or Twitter @CUBGlearning #CUBGfamily
Download this activity sheet and have a go at making these cool treats.
Not only do they look great but they’re easy to make and taste AMAZING! Underneath the top layer of crunchy chocolatey ‘soil’ is a delicious smooth mint and chocolate dessert. Yum, yum!
Head out to collect some plants and then follow the instructions in this download to make your own wild weaving.
Remember we’d love to see your creations and you can share them with us on Facebook and Twitter @CUBGlearning #CUBGfamily
Collect a selection of plants and challenge somebody in your family to a nature memory game. Download the information sheet to find out how to play.
Are you ready for some colouring fun? Can you draw some dinner for a venus fly trap, give a little cactus some prickles and make the Botanic Garden fountains go whoosh like never before? Remember, we’d love to see what you create, please tag us on Twitter with photos of your work @CUBGLearning #CUBGFamily.
To help conserve plants it’s important we learn about them – especially those that grow in our gardens and near to where we live. In this activity you can make a mini flower press which you can use to start your own pressed plant collection.
Making your own pots and watching seeds germinate is great fun. Download this activity for ideas about what you can grow and how you can make your pots extra fancy.
Share your creations with us on Facebook and Twitter @CUBGlearning #CUBGfamily
Flowers are nature’s artists. Blues, purples, yellows and reds - they come in an amazing rainbow of colours and shades. Download this activity to find out the science behind petal colour, make your own petal paint and create a beautiful bouquet of paper flowers.
Leaves do a very important job for plants - they capture energy from the sun and use it to make food. They're also very beautiful and come in all sorts of wonderful shapes and sizes. In this activity find out how to create a shimmering leaf artwork.
Remember we’d love to see your creations and you can share them with us on Facebook and Twitter @CUBGlearning #CUBGfamily