Make your own rat-shaped shadow puppet then use it to try some shadow experiments.

Download activity here.

Find out how the multi-coloured northern lights are created then have a go at creating your own.

Download activity here.

The Padlet is free and has a range of downloadable photos and activities that can be used with or without the Mary Anning loan box. Including a song, an activity led by artist Kaitlin Ferguson, drawing sheets, a biography of Mary and her contemporaries, and images of the fossils in the loan box.

Explore the Padlet

Find out more about our free loan boxes

Choose from fossils, rocks and dinosaurs.

The Sedgwick Mseum's loans boxes have been curated to support teaching of the rock cycle, fossils and dinosaurs. Each box has a range of objects representing geological time, rock types or species and each box is accompanied by some basic fact sheets. However they are not just for science lessons, use them for sorting, describing and creative writing.

Which do you think is the fastest, or the slowest of three main types of earthquake waves – surface, P waves and S waves? Have a race to find out.

In this activity you will see the difference in compressional P waves, transverse S waves and circular surface waves that are produced by earthquakes. You will need a big group of at least 15 people split into three groups.

Planning, prices and pre-visit information can be found here.

You can book a visit online.

Led by expert staff, our workshops for KS2 allow your class to experience the beautiful Botanic Garden and ignite their interest in plants and science. All workshops are hands-on and involve exploring the Garden and getting up close with some of our 8000 species of plants. We can support your science curriculum learning in Plants, Living Things and Their Habitat, Evolution and Inheritance and Working Scientifically.

Workshops for KS1 link to the National Curriculum and allow you to bring your learning about plants to life. Enthuse your class with a morning experiencing the Botanic Garden in a hands-on way with our expert staff. Workshops are two hours long. We can support your pupils’ science learning in Plants, Living things and Their Habitats, Seasonal Changes and Working Scientifically. We also offer a workshop which supports your work in English and Art and Design.

Our workshops for EYFS are one hour long and will allow your pupils to experience the wonder of the natural world in the beautiful space of the Botanic Garden. You can combine a workshop with spending time in the Garden to picnic or explore on a self-led basis. The workshops support many areas of the EYFS framework, particularly Understanding the World, Literacy and Communication and Language.

This kit contains all the material you will need to make paint using pigments and a medium just as artists did (before ready-mix paint!). You can construct an experiment for students to explore the role of science in both the artist’s and the scientist’s workshop with reference to the technical analysis of the Renaissance painting, Cupid and Psyche by Jacopo del Sellaio. There is material provided with the kit that supports each of the suggested activities below.

Suggested activities

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