Join us for a magical family session at the Botanic Garden, inspired by Elena Mannion's enchanting story "Old Oak and Little Acorn." Enjoy a captivating reading by the author, followed by a fun craft activity where we will decorate acorns and make autumnal greeting cards. Each child will receive a signed copy of the book to take home with them. 

  • 2 sessions: 11am – 12 noon and 2 – 3pm 
  • Booking essential: £12 per child
  • Recommended for ages 4-7 years

Women have been interested in science throughout history, but they are often forgotten in histories of science. To mark our new display celebrating Rosalind Franklin and her work on DNA, come and find out more about other scientific women in our collections. Among others, we'll be telling the stories of the astronomer who impressed the King, the computer programmer who learned maths because her mum didn't want her to become a poet and the chemistry lecturer who made cupcakes to explain elements. This is a drop in talk, no booking required. 


Grab your pencils and head to the Botanic Garden to have a go at our self-led Autumn Art Adventure.  This little booklet is free to pick up from the Ticket Offices and is full of prompts and ideas to help you observe, imagine, scribble and draw as you make your way around the beautiful Garden at autumn time. 

Share your artwork with us online! (@CUBotanicGarden) All ages welcome to join in!

Get hands-on with creative activities inspired by artworks and ideas at Kettle’s Yard.

No art experience needed — our friendly artists and volunteers will support you step-by-step. Children and adults of all ages are welcome to participate but Studio Sunday is most suitable for children between 3–11 years.

We encourage parents and caregivers to create alongside their children during the workshop. If the studio is busy you may be asked to come back later, but you can pick up our free take-home art activities at the desk to keep the creativity flowing.

A mini museum made from collage.


We’re redesigning our Learning Gallery, and we need your help! Become a Whipple Museum curator for the afternoon and build your own museum. 

Join Ely Museum every Sunday for more summer fun. 

Object Handling 12pm - 1pm

Storytime 2pm - 2.30pm

Suitable for all ages. FREE with a museum entrance ticket or annual pass.

Join Ely Museum every Sunday for more summer fun. 

Object Handling 12pm - 1pm

Storytime 2pm - 2.30pm

Suitable for all ages. FREE with a museum entrance ticket or annual pass.

Join Ely Museum every Sunday for more summer fun. 

Object Handling 12pm - 1pm

Storytime 2pm - 2.30pm

Suitable for all ages. FREE with a museum entrance ticket or annual pass.

Join Ely Museum every Sunday for more summer fun.

Object Handling 12pm - 1pm

Storytime 2pm - 2.30pm

Suitable for all ages. FREE with a museum entrance ticket or annual pass.

Join Ely Museum every Sunday for more summer fun. 

Object Handling 12pm - 1pm

Storytime 2pm - 2.30pm

Suitable for all ages. FREE with a museum entrance ticket or annual pass.

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