Exhibition Tours for Open Cambridge at the Museum of Zoology

Discovery Talk:  Fish Inside-out

Computerised tomography (CT) scans are widely used in medicine to see inside the body to diagnose and monitor illnesses. CT scans also have an important place in modern Zoology. Join Museum researcher Dr Kate Criswell as she explores fish anatomy using CT scans of some of the specimens in the Museum’s fish collection.

Over the next two years, about 12,000 drawers of rocks, along with the Museum's important historical archive, will be transferred into a new building. This tour is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the brand new Colin Forbes building and meet museum staff just they embark on this mammoth move.

The 45 minute tour will include the Museum's existing conservation unit, archive and collections stores, as well as the stores and work areas of the new building.

Find out how to connect motors and sensors to an Arduino to create a basic roaming robot. Try programming it to cleverly navigate the room.

Pre-book via 01223 214 446 or visit www.computinghistory.org.uk 

Summer at the Museums
This event is part of Summer at the Museums, a mix of hands-on activities, events and trails, for families to enjoy throughout the summer holidays.

Join in some remote-controlled fun with micro-bits and learn how to write in code to control a vehicle.

For ages 11-14. Pre-book via 01223 214446, or visit www.computinghistory.org.uk 

Summer at the Museums
This event is part of Summer at the Museums, a mix of hands-on activities, events and trails, for families to enjoy throughout the summer holidays.

Learn to programme a range of LEDs to produce different lighting effects. Then work in groups to produce a larger light display.

Pre-book via 01223 214446 or visit www.computinghistory.org.uk 

Summer at the Museums
This event is part of Summer at the Museums, a mix of hands-on activities, events and trails, for families to enjoy throughout the summer holidays.

Join us to hear the story of Wicken Fen, including the tale of trying to bring back a lost frog species to Cambridgeshire.  Less than 1% of original fen survives in East Anglia, of which Wicken Fen is a fragment.  However, the Wicken Fen Vision is an ambitious plan to create a diverse landscape for wildlife and people stretching the edge of Cambridge, and maybe also a home for the lost Pool Frog.

Please arrive at 17.45. Talk: 18.00 - 18.45.  Galleries will be open until 19.30 to explore after the talk.

Join the Director of the Museum of Zoology, Professor Paul Brakefield, as he explores the evolution and development of eyespot patterns on butterfly wings.

Suitable for ages 12+

Free. No need to book.

11 - 14 yrs

Work with staff and artists on a special Arts Award project to develop and test creative ideas for an upcoming exhibition on the theme of food, feasting and fasting. Find out about what goes on behind the scenes at the Museum and share your own mini-exhibition at the end of the week.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk.

Image: Pierre Auguste Renoir, Apples and walnuts (detail)

Ages 11+

Join us for our popular summer arts festival creating a circus of the bizarre in our marquee on the front lawn. Part of Family Art Week.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register your interest please tel: 01223 332904 or email: education@fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk.

Photo by Fer Gomez on Unsplash


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