Flip the idea of the selfie on its head!

What if people could see the true you in all of its brilliance and not just the face you show to the outside world?

Explore and represent yourself and your feelings during lockdown using colour, texture and form, creating a time-capsule memory with our fabulous and fun art workshop!

In this workshop, we will be connecting motors and sensors to an Arduino and create the very basics of a roaming robot.  Can you program it to navigate the room cleverly?

Ages 12+; ideal for children at KS3 and KS4 levels

Animals don’t do sexual identity; they just do sex.

From same-sex sexual behaviour in giraffes and penguins to the scientists working in the field of zoology. How do the labels and categories we give animals affect the way we interact with the natural world?

Our volunteer guides share their personal selection of fascinating stories about gender and sex in the animal world at the Museum of Zoology.


Please book your FREE ticket in advance - as numbers are limited.   


Uncover the fascinating stories behind our collections, from the beetles of Charles Darwin to the tale of our fin whale.

Why is there a fin whale skeleton in Cambridge? What can we learn from our dodo skeleton? What did Darwin collect here and on the Voyage of the Beagle, and what can these collections tell us about him and is ideas on evolution? Here these stories and more on a guided tour around the Museum of Zoology.

Suitable for ages 12+

Recommended donation of £5 per person. All proceeds support the work of the Museum.

Uncover the fascinating stories behind our collections, from the beetles of Charles Darwin to the tale of our fin whale.

Why is there a fin whale skeleton in Cambridge? What can we learn from our Dodo skeleton? What did Darwin collect here and on the Voyage of the Beagle, and what can these collections tell us about him and is ideas on evolution? Here these stories and more on a guided tour around the Museum of Zoology.

Suitable for ages 12+

Suggested donation of £5 per person

Uncover the fascinating stories behind our collections, from the beetles of Charles Darwin to the tale of our fin whale.

Why is there a fin whale skeleton in Cambridge? What can we learn from our dodo skeleton? What did Darwin collect here and on the Voyage of the Beagle, and what can these collections tell us about him and is ideas on evolution? Here these stories and more on a guided tour around the Museum of Zoology.

Suitable for ages 12+

Recommended donation of £5 per person. All proceeds support the work of the Museum.

Fatty fruits and feathered friends: how novel fruit colours communicate with animals

Dr Miranda Sinnott-Armstrong, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge


Join us at the Polar Museum with artist Alice White, to explore where science and art collide and discover how the spirit of exploration is shared by artists and scientists alike. This exciting series of co-disciplinary workshops for 15-18 year olds combine practical art techniques with live science experiments and a chance to be inspired by the awe inspiring, icy worlds of the Polar Regions.

Antarctica, A Creative Journey

An exhibition by Shelly Perkins

Shelly Perkins is a wildlife artist who aims to present the beauty and fragility of the natural world in an accessible way through her work. In 2017, Shelly travelled to Antarctica aboard the Royal Navy's ice patrol vessel, HMS Protector as the Friends of Scott Polar Research Institute's Antarctic Artist in Residence.

This exhibition presents artist John Kelly’s field explorations on two very contrasting islands, beginning in the young lava fields of Surtsey, Iceland, and ending among the time-worn rocks and erosional surfaces of Barra in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland.

On display are field sketches and objects collected from both islands, complemented by journal entries John made during his trips.

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