Giant deer, sea-urchins, fossil fish teeth, plesiosaurs with controversial tails... just some of the specimens on display that our staff can't wait to discuss with you. Beware, their enthusiasm is infectious!

Giant deer, sea-urchins, fossil fish teeth, plesiosaurs with controversial tails... just some of the specimens on display that our staff can't wait to discuss with you. Beware, their enthusiasm is infectious!  


Why is there a fin whale skeleton in Cambridge? What can we learn from our Dodo skeleton? What did Darwin collect here and on the Voyage of the Beagle, and what can these collections tell us about him and is ideas on evolution? Hear these stories and more on a guided tour around the Museum of Zoology.

Why is there a fin whale skeleton in Cambridge? What can we learn from our Dodo skeleton? What did Darwin collect here and on the Voyage of the Beagle, and what can these collections tell us about him and is ideas on evolution? Hear these stories and more on a guided tour around the Museum of Zoology.

Tours are FREE. Please book ahead here.

Why is there a fin whale skeleton in Cambridge? What can we learn from our Dodo skeleton? What did Darwin collect here and on the Voyage of the Beagle, and what can these collections tell us about him and is ideas on evolution? Hear these stories and more on a guided tour around the Museum of Zoology.

Tours are FREE. Please book ahead here

Animals don’t do sexual identity; they just do sex.’

From same-sex sexual behaviour in giraffes and penguins to the scientists working in the field of zoology. How do the labels and categories we give animals affect the way we interact with the natural world?

Our volunteer guides share their personal selection of fascinating stories about gender and sex in the animal world at the Museum of Zoology.

Important Information

Tour guides will meet you in the Whale Entrance Hall approx. 5-10 mins before the tour is due to start.

Animals don’t do sexual identity; they just do sex.’

From same-sex sexual behaviour in giraffes and penguins to the scientists working in the field of zoology. How do the labels and categories we give animals affect the way we interact with the natural world?

Our volunteer guides share their personal selection of fascinating stories about gender and sex in the animal world at the Museum of Zoology.

Important Information

Animals don’t do sexual identity; they just do sex.’

From same-sex sexual behaviour in giraffes and penguins to the scientists working in the field of zoology. How do the labels and categories we give animals affect the way we interact with the natural world?

Our volunteer guides share their personal selection of fascinating stories about gender and sex in the animal world at the Museum of Zoology.

Important Information

Animals don’t do sexual identity; they just do sex.’

From same-sex sexual behaviour in giraffes and penguins to the scientists working in the field of zoology. How do the labels and categories we give animals affect the way we interact with the natural world?

Our volunteer guides share their personal selection of fascinating stories about gender and sex in the animal world at the Museum of Zoology.

Important Information

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