Join florist Paula Edgington to start your festive season and make your own garden-inspired festive wreath.  No previous experience is needed as you will be taken through the process step-by-step. The wreath will be made from scratch, and will have a moss-based ring.  You will then cover it in a selection of festive evergreen foliages and berries which have been gathered from the Botanic Garden, followed by a choice of decorations from natural pine cones, cinnamon bundles, dried fruit and more, and finally a ribbon to hang it up.

Join florist Paula Edgington to start your festive season and make your own garden-inspired festive wreath.  No previous experience is needed as you will be taken through the process step-by-step. The wreath will be made from scratch, and will have a moss-based ring.  You will then cover it in a selection of festive evergreen foliages and berries which have been gathered from the Botanic Garden, followed by a choice of decorations from natural pine cones, cinnamon bundles, dried fruit and more, and finally a ribbon to hang it up.

Winter is often considered off-season for many gardeners, but there are many plants which can enhance even the smallest garden over the winter period. Join Sally on this half day course as she discusses ways to add interest to your own patch; provides tips on which plants will bring valuable colour to your garden in winter; and takes you on a tour of our acclaimed Winter Garden.

Travelling through the seasons we will explore the history, folklore and culture of three wild plants in bloom (or at least in foliage!) that month. The session will encourage you to search out plants in all seasons and enjoy the history in folklore and culture, and their use for medicines, cooking as well as the many and varied traditional names which help us trace that history.

Join tutor Jemma Dell as she demonstrates how to create this simple hand stitched Christmas card, perfect for sending to close friends and family. In this three hour course you will learn eight different embroidery stitches and use these in combination with beads, a button and a piece of fabric to create a unique Christmas tree card.  You can then frame your finished embroidery in its card ready to send. A kit containing everything that you need to make the card will be provided.

Suitable for beginners

November is an irresistible time to turn our attention to our native trees.  At this time our broad-leaved trees have just lost their blaze of colour and the conifers stand out in majestic contrast.  But by late November we can no longer rely solely on the foliage and fruits, we must now look to twig formation and winter buds to help us identify these important members of our natural heritage.

Travelling through the seasons we will explore the history, folklore and culture of three wild plants in bloom (or at least in foliage!) that month. The session will encourage you to search out plants in all seasons and enjoy the history in folklore and culture, and their use for medicines, cooking as well as the many and varied traditional names which help us trace that history.

Heaths are amongst the most threatened habitats in lowland Britain.  Treatment with lime and fertilisers has eliminated heathland from counties such as Cambridgeshire, though significant areas survive in Breckland and in Bedfordshire.  The course will look at local heaths and compare them with more extensive examples in the north and west of Britain.  It will introduce the flowers of heathland and how heaths are shaped by climate and management.

Right plant, right place… we’ve all heard that before right? But what does it mean and how can we achieve it in our own gardens? Join Paul Herrington for an informal, relaxed morning session. You’ll go away with a greater understanding and appreciation of micro-climates, soil types, plant choices and planting styles. And have a clear framework how to apply all of this to your garden borders whatever their size, and wherever they may be. NB this is a core component of my longer garden design courses.

Travelling through the seasons we will explore the history, folklore and culture of three wild plants in bloom (or at least in foliage!) that month. The session will encourage you to search out plants in all seasons and enjoy the history in folklore and culture, and their use for medicines, cooking as well as the many and varied traditional names which help us trace that history.

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