Planning, prices and pre-visit information can be found here.

You can book a visit online.

We have a variety of resources available, both for use in school and on a visit to the Garden.

Led by expert staff, our workshops for KS2 allow your class to experience the beautiful Botanic Garden and ignite their interest in plants and science. All workshops are hands-on and involve exploring the Garden and getting up close with some of our 8000 species of plants. 

Workshops for KS1 link to the National Curriculum and allow you to bring your learning about plants to life. Enthuse your class with a morning experiencing the Botanic Garden in a hands-on way with our expert staff. Workshops are two hours long. We can support your pupils’ science learning in Plants, Living things and Their Habitats, Seasonal Changes and Working Scientifically. We also offer a workshop which supports your work in English and Art and Design.

Our workshops for EYFS are one hour long and will allow your pupils to experience the wonder of the natural world in the beautiful space of the Botanic Garden. You can combine a workshop with spending time in the Garden to picnic or explore on a self-led basis. The workshops support many areas of the EYFS framework, particularly Understanding the World, Literacy and Communication and Language.

Bookings are now open for the 2024/25 school year

Planning, prices and pre-visit information

If you wish to check availability before you complete the form, either email us or call on 01223 331875.

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