Event information
Centre for Computing History, Rene Court, Coldhams Lane CB1 3EW
Age 10+
James Newman, builder of the Megaprocessor, is coming to the Centre to answer questions about his remarkable creation.
The Megaprocessor, a 10m-long and 2m high computer, takes pride of place in the foyer. This machine shows the inner workings of a microprocessor, the ubiquitous chip at the heart of billions of electronic devices. Microprocessors are so small that they're incredibly hard to understand, even though they are vitally important to modern society.
The Megaprocessor blows up these chips to show off their components on a much larger scale, letting anyone gain an appreciation for the inner workings of a smartphone, laptop or games console. It features 12,000 LEDs and 40,000 transistors, and James had to make over 250,000 individual solder joints to wire it all up!
If you'd like to ask what it's like to have your living room taken over by a computer for four years, this is a great event to come to. Other questions are also permitted! James will be at the Centre from 2pm.