Oil lamps were the ancient Roman equivalent to light bulbs. These lamps were made from different materials including metal, glass, stone, clay and shell. Clay ones were very popular and often decorated with interesting designs.

Get inspired by the decorative lamps used by the Romans and create a design for your own lamp. 

Download the activity here

This resource comes from our bank of Look, Think, Do resources on the Fitzwilliam Museum website.

Take a look at this incredible 500 year old jar from China and have a go at making a dragon shadow puppet inspired by its decorations.

Our big range of Look, Think, Do activities encourage children and families to look deeply and thoughtfully at objects and to respond imaginatively through thinking, talking and making together -from Ancient Egyptian neckpieces to coins stamped by protesting Suffragettes.

You can use the shorter Look and Think activities for just a few minutes or spend a bit longer making something fantastic. 

In this activity you can see busts of Julius Caesar, Claudius, Nero and Hadrian from the museum. Find out more about each one, how they are connected to the history of Britain, and complete the activities to learn more! 

At the end you will find instructions on how to create your own comic about the life of emperor Claudius! 

A series of activities inspired by the barrel organ in our collection at the Polar Museum. Enjoy learning about music on board ship, finding out how music affects us and have a go at making some of your own.

Download activities


The history of science relies on lots of amazing people - we've chosen three who are closely linked to our collections, but there are loads of great stories to discover. Have a look at our examples and create your own posters about scientists who interest you.

Have you ever wanted to know more about Greek pottery? This is your chance! 

In this activity you will chose one of three pottery shapes to decorate inspired by Greek pottery styles. You can use pencil and paper to complete this, but you can also get creative with some coloured pencils or paints. 

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