Explore Kettle's Yard House and galleries with your students in this facilitated visit with open discussion and drawing activities. These facilitated visits are tailored to suit your class year level and learning objectives, introducing students to the unique nature of the Kettle's Yard House and collection. 

Introductory tour and drawing activities:
FREE to all UK-based state schools*
£75 per class for fee-paying schools. 

Enquire aT Yard School Bookings schoolbookings@kettlesyard.cam.ac.uk 

Using the Kettle's Yard House and art as stimulus, students will learn and apply critical and creative thinking skills to make connections, make observations and explore ideas before making their own artworks to take with them.

Sessions tailored and recommended for EYFS, KS1, KS2 & KS3 

1.5 - 2 hour session, £75 per class
* £125 per class for fee-paying schools. 

enquire at:schoolbookings@kettlesyard.cam.ac.uk

Planning, prices and pre-visit information can be found here.

You can book a visit online.

Led by expert staff, our workshops for KS2 allow your class to experience the beautiful Botanic Garden and ignite their interest in plants and science. All workshops are hands-on and involve exploring the Garden and getting up close with some of our 8000 species of plants. We can support your science curriculum learning in Plants, Living Things and Their Habitat, Evolution and Inheritance and Working Scientifically.



Stories in Art: Words and Pictures

What is art? How can we understand it? We will look at 3 different artworks together and think about how artists tell stories using pictures instead of words, using the paintings to inspire our own creative writing.

Bookings are now open for the 2023/24 school year

Planning, prices and pre-visit information

If you wish to check availability before you complete the form, either email us or call on 01223 331875.

The following taught session is offered for KS5 students:

Anthropology, Archaeology and Identity (90 minutes)

This discussion based session examines the relationship between museums and people, as well as current issues with collection, curation and repatriation. Students will learn how the collections come to the Museum and how we navigate the ethics of display and access.

A museum teacher leads the first 45 minutes of the session. Students then independently investigate the galleries and conduct their own object research.

Find out more about the objects and habits that the Romans introduced to Britain. 

In this activity you can find out about "Romanisation",  the process through which Britain became more Roman.

Download the activity here.

Learn more about the niece of the Emperor Augustus, Antonia Minor. Using useful prompts and a planner, imagine a day in her life. 

Download the activity here.

Which emperor's statue was thrown into a river in England? Which Roman invaded Britain first? Which emperor loved to sing? Find out in this activity. 

See busts of Julius Caesar, Claudius, Nero and Hadrian from the Museum's collection and find out more about each one. Discover how they are connected to the history of Britain, and complete the activities to learn more.

Download the activity here (PDF)

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