Museum Trails

If you are visiting the Museum with young children, why not download our Rainbow of Colour trail to print out and bring with you? It will keep the children entertained as they look for all the colourful specimens in the Museum, and they can even use it in the garden or any outdoor space too.


Resources are available for every year group from EYFS to KS5. Check them out here.

KS5 groups may also find our Adult Trails useful.

Artist Kaitlin Ferguson shows you how to make your own ichthyosaur using one of Mary Anning's fossils in the Sedgwick Museum’s collection as inspiration.

There are two different makes that you can try depending on how much time you have.

Make one: Ichthyosaur template

Make two: salt, flour and water to make salt dough (or plasticine or playdough)

An adaptation is when part of the body becomes specialised for a certain function that means the animal has a better chance of survival in a particular environment.

The Wonderchicken research team have put together a craft activity and information sheets about different types of bird and how they have adapted to the environment they live in.

You will need:

Ever wondered how books are made? Before the invention of electricity and printing machines, books were handmade. Each book was unique and one of a kind. The text inside was handwritten too. This activity will introduce you to the craft of bookmaking.

You will make your own book using things you have at home! You get to decide how big or small it is, choose the book covers and paper colour. It is all up to you!

To Make Your Own Book you will need: 

Join artist Susie Olczak for an online arts and crafts workshop inspired by Ancient Greek and Roman statues. Susie will be showing you how to create art from cardboard and household materials live from the Museum of Classical Archaeology. 

Look up at the top of a church spire to see if you can spot a wind vane, then try making your own using the instructions and everyday things you can find at home

Download the activity here.

You can use any fossil or dinosaur toys, just make sure they are clean. Use your own favourite biscuit recipe, or try this one.

You will need

  • 115g butter
  • 55g caster sugar
  • few drops of vanilla extract
  • 150g plain flour
  • 25g cornflour

Mix the butter, sugar and vanilla extract until just evenly mixed. Stir in the flour and cornflour. Roll into a log, wrap in cling film and chill for 30 mins.

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