Online session format

  • scheduled for 30, 45 or 60 minutes depending on your preference
  • led by a museum teacher and involves close-looking at objects and games
  • similar content to our onsite session




Stories in Art: Words and Pictures

What is art? How can we understand it? We will look at 3 different artworks together and think about how artists tell stories using pictures instead of words, using the paintings to inspire our own creative writing.

This PowerPoint has been created for teachers to deliver a school-based session focused on the enigmatic Red Deer antler headdress from the world renowned site of Star Carr in Yorkshire, England. Dating from the Mesolithic, this 11,000 year old object is thought to be linked to shamanic practices performed millennia ago along the edges fo a watery environment. View the PowerPoint


A session tracing life in Britain from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age. Find out what distinguishes each epoch and how everyday objects changed through time and space. View the Powerpoint


Visit our website for more details and teacher's resources.

Rituals and Beliefs focuses on the scene from a plaster cast taken of a stone lintel from the doorway of a temple in the city of Yaxchilan, now in modern day Mexico, and dating from 709AD.

The images depict a blood-letting ritual being performed by Lady K'ab'al Xook and her husnabd King Shield Jaguar. Lady K'ab'al Xook can be seen pulling a rope of thorns through her tongue in order to collect blood in a bowl filled with bark paper. Both figures are wearing jade and obsidian jewellery and dressed in resplendent costumes made fo fur and elaborate fabrics. 

How did the ancient Maya express their identity? What objects did they use to show their power? What can archaeology tell us about Maya life? These are some of the questions we will discuss while students learn how to read a Maya monument and handle objects from Central and South America.

Find out more about the objects and habits that the Romans introduced to Britain. 

In this activity you can find out about "Romanisation",  the process through which Britain became more Roman.

Download the activity here.

Learn more about the niece of the Emperor Augustus, Antonia Minor. Using useful prompts and a planner, imagine a day in her life. 

Download the activity here.

You can still enjoy learning with the Museum of Classical Archaeology, even if you are not able to visit in person. 

With this selection of downloadable learning resources, you can learn about the Ancient Greeks wherever you are. 

Do you want to know how archaeologists know what they know?  This activity will help you think more carefully and learn important observational skills. 

Download the activity here.

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