Did you know the first bees would have been flying around in the Cretaceous just as ‘Iggy’ our Iguanodon was snacking on leaves from tall trees? At the Sedgwick Museum we have two 20million year old honey bees trapped in amber. Found on Yarmouth beach in 1891.

Amy Smith studies bees Plant Sciences in Cambridge. In this activity Amy shows us how to make a bee-autiful fluffy bumble bee. You will need some card and wool. 

It is really unusual for a palaeontologist (scientist who study fossils) to find a complete skeleton with all the bones in the right place. We are more likely to find only a few bones or a jumbled up skeleton.

Putting a skeleton back to together when you know what the animal looks like can be a challenge, but imagine how hard that becomes when there are no more of those creatures alive for you look at. It is a bit like trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together when you don’t have the photo on the box as a guide.

It might not look very exciting but flint gravel has a story to tell of a warm chalky sea that covered a lot of England about 90 million years ago. That’s when dinosaur were around although they were not living in this particular sea. Sometimes flint fills the holes made by borrowing animals and sometimes, if we’re lucky it enclosed the remains of sea creatures meaning it is great place to look for fossils.

Kaitlin Ferguson leads a series of activities based on telescopes and exploration. Make your own viewfinder and design your own planet.

Viewfinder template

Our big range of Look, Think, Do activities encourage children and families to look deeply and thoughtfully at objects and to respond imaginatively through thinking, talking and making together -from Ancient Egyptian neckpieces to coins stamped by protesting Suffragettes.

You can use the shorter Look and Think activities for just a few minutes or spend a bit longer making something fantastic. 

Dragons do not only populate the myths and legends of the past, but also the world around us.

Komodo dragon with tongue out

Zoology PhD student Tom Jameson takes us on a journey of discovery with the world's largest reptiles.

Find a new use for used plastic bottles, scrap paper and paperclips.

Watch this film to find out how to create a sculpture of an animal using materials from inside your home.

Normally found in the krill-rich waters of the Arctic and Antarctic, the humpback whale swims up to 25,000 km per year, including to warmer waters to breed and give birth.

The seasonally-changing songs of male humpbacks echo through the ocean waters. Measuring up to 16m in length and weighing 25-30 tonnes, these large mammals eat krill, which they filter out of the water through hair-like bristles in their mouth called baleen. They are incredibly agile, often swimming near the surface, where they fluke and breach.

Flowers are nature’s artists.  Blues, purples, yellows and reds - they come in an amazing rainbow of colours and shades.  Download this activity to find out the science behind petal colour, make your own petal paint and create a beautiful bouquet of paper flowers.

It’s estimated that there are about 20 million penguins in Antarctica. When it’s really cold they huddle together to keep warm. The most extreme huddle ever recorded was 19 Emperor penguins within a square metre!

Have a go at making your own penguin. All you need is some paper, and a pen for drawing on the eyes.

Download instructions

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