Event information
Free, drop-in.
Come and meet the scientists of the University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences. Take part in hands-on activities and find out what it's like to research fossils, earthquakes, tackle environmental challenges and more.
Activities include:
Microfossil Wonderland - use powerful microscopes to investigate tiny fossils of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Find out how these microfossils help us learn about past climates and environments.
Bring your rocks and fossils for identification - have you found an interesting rock that you'd like to learn more about? Come and chat with our scientists about your find and discover what it's like to work as an Earth Scientist.
Jump to make your own earthquake – compete with a friend to make the most powerful earthquake and learn how the vibrations are represented on screen.
Make your own mountain range - use a sand model to investigate how the movement of tectonic plates makes the lumps, bumps and folds of a mountain range.
Discover meteorites - can you spot the difference between rocks from space and Earth rocks? Find out how our scientists study both to understand how the Earth formed.