6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Normal Garden admission pricing, booking recommended.
Event information
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Normal Garden admission pricing, booking recommended.

A celebration of summer and music, Sounds Green takes place every Wednesday evening in July on the Garden’s Main Lawn, providing a perfect opportunity to embrace sights, sounds and summer scents in the Garden with family and friends on a (hopefully) warm, summer evening.

🎵 Picnics are welcome. Food and drink will be provided by food trucks and The Garden Café.

🎵 Bring a rug or picnic chair and relax in beautiful surroundings to some stunning musical sounds!

🎵 Keep an eye out for more information on this year's line-up

Included Events

Looking for a different take on Cambridge nightlife?

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£5, booking recommended

Come as Your Favourite Artist!

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Under a marquee, a band and singer perform in the Garden.
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Normal Garden admission pricing, booking recommended.

The Garden opens its gates late on Wednesday evenings throughout July to host a season of open-air music from Cambridge Summer Music

Find out more >