10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Event information
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

In this two day course, students will learn the basics of leaf variety, and fruit, seed and nut forms.  You will learn how to show darks and lights using pencil, and learn how to use watercolour.  The first day will focus on drawing and painting fallen autumn leaves, and contrasting them with fresh green ones.  We’ll cover the basics of using and mixing watercolours, then have a go at painting a brightly coloured autumn leaf. The second day will focus on looking at the variety of seeds and fruits in the Garden. Students will learn how to paint shiny berries, think about the composition of a painting, and work on a watercolour sketch of an assortment of autumn fruits, nuts, and berries. Students will paint a variety of leaves and fruits from the gardens, as well as see tutor demos of painting an autumn leaf and illustrating a shiny berry.