6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Event information
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Each week we will explore different ways of drawing using a variety of techniques and prompts. Karin will introduce the class to a wide range of artistic approaches and examples to guide us in developing our own unique visual language. The structured course will lead us from observational drawings of botanical specimens to more imaginative ways of representing plants and nature. Drawing through observation is a great way to develop your creativity and mindfulness.

Through drawing we will learn more about the plants and notice textures, organic shapes, colours and patterns that can be used in our own compositions. As an art historian Karin will also give you short introductions to early botanical illustration, the tradition of floral patterns and how contemporary artists use plants as an infinite source of inspiration.  In the last session we will make our own concertina book on the theme of metamorphosis or collecting.

This is a 5 week course, for both beginners and more advanced students, set in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. To take this course you will need some flowers or plants, 2B and 3B pencils, colour pencils, coloured paper, A3 white papers and a sketchbook (or you can use what you have at home). A list of suggested materials will be sent to you upon booking.

Session dates: 15, 22 and 29 September, 6 and 13 October