Planning, prices and pre-visit information can be found here.

You can book a visit online.

Workshops for KS1 link to the National Curriculum and allow you to bring your learning about plants to life. Enthuse your class with a morning experiencing the Botanic Garden in a hands-on way with our expert staff. Workshops are two hours long. We can support your pupils’ science learning in Plants, Living things and Their Habitats, Seasonal Changes and Working Scientifically. We also offer a workshop which supports your work in English and Art and Design.



Stories in Art: Words and Pictures

What is art? How can we understand it? We will look at 3 different artworks together and think about how artists tell stories using pictures instead of words, using the paintings to inspire our own creative writing.

Bookings are now open for the 2023/24 school year

Planning, prices and pre-visit information

If you wish to check availability before you complete the form, either email us or call on 01223 331875.

The BBC Young Writers’ Award with Cambridge University is a great chance to get creative. All young people in the UK aged 14-18 are welcome to submit stories of up to 1,000 words by 22nd March. The five shortlisted young writers will have their stories narrated by an actor and recorded for a radio broadcast, and will be published in an anthology.  

This resource comes from our bank of Look, Think, Do resources on the Fitzwilliam Museum website.

Have a look at this penny coin that was stamped by a Suffragette in the early 1900s with a very important message. And what about these signs that show what people care about now? Make your own with this guidance.

Our big range of Look, Think, Do activities encourage children and families to look deeply and thoughtfully at objects and to respond imaginatively through thinking, talking and making together -from Ancient Egyptian neckpieces to coins stamped by protesting Suffragettes.

You can use the shorter Look and Think activities for just a few minutes or spend a bit longer making something fantastic. 

We wish you could come to the Polar Museum at the moment, but whilst we are closed we thought you might like to make your own museum at home!

Watch the video, and download our activity pack.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

A series of activities inspired by some of the newspapers made on polar expeditions from our collection at the Scott Polar Research Institute. Enjoy designing your own news report.

Download activity

A series of activities inspired by some of the diaries in our collection at the Scott Polar Research Institute. Enjoy recording your observations during your own expeditions.

Download activities

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