2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Free with normal Garden admission
Event information
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Free with normal Garden admission

This talk will be delivered in the classroom at the Botanic Garden.
Free with normal Garden admission.
Please check the website and social media for updates.
Suitable for adults and children aged 12+.
Talks run monthly March to July.

Legumes like peas and beans have developed a clever way to overcome the lack of nitrogen in the soil. They form special structures on their roots, called nodules, which act as tiny homes for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria help convert nitrogen from the air into a form the plant can use to grow. The process begins when the plant’s root hairs recognise the bacteria and allow them to infect the root. The nodules then form below this site, deep within the root tissues.

Interestingly, nodules share some similarities with lateral roots (the roots that branch out sideways), as they start growing from the same tissue layer. This raises a fascinating question: how do these nodules develop into such unique structures, with a very different shape and function compared to lateral roots?