A series of activities inspired by the barrel organ in our collection at the Polar Museum. Enjoy learning about music on board ship, finding out how music affects us and have a go at making some of your own.

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Let’s have a look at the totem pole, it’s very big at over 13 metres tall.

What faces can you see?

Can you see any animals?

Leaves do a very important job for plants - they capture energy from the sun and use it to make food.  They're also very beautiful and come in all sorts of wonderful shapes and sizes.  In this activity find out how to create a shimmering leaf artwork.

leaf foil art download

Remember we’d love to see your creations and you can share them with us on Facebook and Twitter @CUBGlearning #CUBGfamily

The narwhal is a relative of the beluga whale. Both types of whale are medium sized and live in Arctic waters all year round. They are sometimes called unicorns of the sea because of their long spiralled tusk.

This pack includes a pattern to download and step by step instructions for making your own narwhal.

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In this activity we’re making giant flowers complete with all the special parts they use to make seeds. Download the document to find out more about how flowers work and to make your own fantastic flower.  

Remember we’d love to see your creations and you can share them with us on Facebook and Twitter @CUBGlearning #CUBGfamily

Check out the videos on this page to find out how you can complete a Discover Arts Award.

We're afraid we're not longer able to issue certificates as the videos suggest, but you're welcome to enjoy taking part in this activity! 

Nobody knows exactly what the world looks like to a bee but one thing’s for sure, everything looks very different to how we see them. 

Download this activity to find out about bee vision and make a special rainbow using only the colours bees can see. Display in your window to spread a bit of joy and say thank you to all the wonderful NHS staff and key workers.

Have you ever wondered what to do with left over seeds?  Instead of leaving them in a cupboard until why not arrange a seed share for your neighbours – its fun, easy and helps spread a bit of cheer.

seed share download

Share your creations with us on Facebook and Twitter @CUBGlearning #CUBGfamily

This is the first activity kit artist Enni-Kukka Tuomala has created as a part of her project “Campaign for Empathy“ and her residency with Kettle’s Yard Open House in North Cambridge.

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